***Both Casa de Maty and La Casona del Manzano no longer have rooms available.***
If you have not booked a room you may do so at the following hotels:
Hotel Posada Real
El Meson del Ticuz
Hotel la Casona
Tapalpa Country Club (10 minutes from Tapalpa)
Other rooms are available and you are welcomed to stay at any of the other inns available.
They should have English speaking staff for you to make reservations but if you are having trouble reserving your rooms please feel free to contact us and we would be happy to assist you.
The price we have arranged is $800 Mexican Pesos per room.
Casa de Maty (full)
La Casona de Manzano (full)
Please email us if you have any questions hilarycdonovan@gmail.com or jesusjhuerta@gmail.com